These three pics were taken in Hermanus. The last one is at Hemel En Aarde dam, the middle one at Kwaaiwater, and the top one taken from the cliffs just west of there – the dark blob in the water is a Southern Right Whale, just the top ten percent of him, about forty (maybe less) metres away. I get so beside myself with this that I can’t take proper pictures, and so I missed the rest of him. Nearby was a mother and her calf, they were just moseying around contentedly. Further out in the bay about a dozen others were leaping clear out of the water, and slapping their tails, and generally showing off as though they knew we were watching. Which, of course, they did. How do you know that a whale knows you’re there? If you’re standing on a cliff with a whale in the sea below you, and he rolls so that one great eye looks directly at you, you know that he knows. It’s nothing short of awesome, and it makes this silly world we live in seem irrelevant.
Apart from the whales, the sheer beauty of everything within a three hundred kilometer radius lets you know you’re somewhere special. There’s a valley here, called Hemel En Aarde (Heaven And Earth), and that’s exactly what you get. Who could ask for more?
I am completely in love with Hermanus. I will live there, soon. I’m doing everything in my power to make this happen. I’ve decided this, and once I decide something it’s practically carved in stone. I don’t decide things very often, something has to be monumental before I decide on it so hear ye, hear ye: I will live in Hermanus. I will grow old there, happily. Mark me.
I miss home!!!
Home misses you too. Ons kort n boereseun
Hi Audrey - please mail me, I'd like to get in touch privately. Forgive the stalker-esque vibe of this - just would prefer not to do this all in public. My (cloak-and-dagger) address is mailmeaudrey@mailbox.co.za.
Now what? Do all what, exactly, in public? This blog is not exactly public space anyhow – if the internet were a house then you might say that this blog is in the little alleyway down the side next to the garage, by the dustbins, where you can go sit on the pile of leftover paving bricks and have a smoke, and get away from the crowded living-room for a moment. Speak friend, and enter. It’s just me here, and the Cosmic Cabman, and Captain 01.
I don’t do cloak-and-dagger, but maybe Anonymous is Tori Amos??? Or Neil Gaiman??? Does Tori need someone to walk her dog (Yes! I’ll do it! You don’t have to pay me a cent I’ll do it for love!)? Did Neil fire the Fabulous Lorraine and now he needs a new assistant (Ditto!)? Did they find me by accident when I mentioned their names so many times a couple of posts back? Or what if Anonymous wants to offer me the coolest job in the world (Assistant Librarian at Unseen University), or something? Kind of like what happened to Jodie Foster in Contact. Just imagine. If so, then yes, I accept! I will go off in that machine to visit the aliens who look like my late Granny! When do I leave? What should I bring?
Or what if this is your average common-or-garden variety internet sociopath? Or, worse, some robot trawling for email addresses and blogs to spam?
How cynical do I need to be with this? I’ll have to think about it
I wouldn't mail me either. But since this is about to turn into the Ketchup joke in 'Pulp Fiction', I think it's best that I retreat back into the ether.
Aww, c'mon! I won't say anything! I'll even turn my back and put my fingers in my ears so I don't witness anything.
I googled 'pulp fiction ketchup joke' and got fuzzy stuff about a baby tomato lagging behind the mom and dad tomato... What I did get very clearly though, was a sense of being the only person on the planet not to have seen the movie. I feel terribly ignorant.
Oh, ethereal entity, don't gojust yet! Now that we know you're not a robot, you must pass the test that let's us know you're not a sociopath. What colour were the knitted hats with bobbles on, in the movie 'Life Aquatic', and what does Data carry in his little suitcase?
Friends, the mystery is solved. You may rest assured that our ethereal entity is entirely honourable and welcome on this blog. It's the guy from the woolies down the road who wants to say thanks for all the money I spend in his shop and says he'll deliver me half a dozen free spinach pies every Friday.
So there you go then.
Sorry 01 :-)))
The guy from Woolies? Talk about service!
To answer your questions, just to prove that I'm not a sociopath:
1. Red
2. Which Data? From Star Trek or The Goonies?
On Pulp Fiction... I suspect that I'm the only person in the universe who has seen it, but thought it was crap. In fact I think all of Quentin Tarantino's work is forced, contrived and not worth the effort involved in watching it.
WHICH DATA!!!!!???? Really, 01. Sociopath! Tch.
Oh, I thought it was one of those Monty Python-esque questions, the correct answer of which would be along the lines of "African or European?".
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